1:1 BYOD iPad Program
CSPS has been a 1:1 iPad school since 2014. We are one of the first schools in Victoria to have started a 1:1 device across the school from F-6.
In 2011 the school first purchased 12 iPad 2’s that were used in senior classrooms. Since then we have seen a transformation of the learning spaces, moving towards an environment with ubiquitous or anytime access for all students. In 2012 we purchased a further 80 devices bringing the total to 4 per classroom. In 2013 we purchased iPads for all teachers to use. By 2014 we had used iPads in classrooms for up to 2 years and teachers had used their own devices for at least a year. The 1:1 rollout happened throughout 2014. By year’s end we had a 1:1 BYOD program across the school. At that stage we were one of a handful of schools in Victoria who had such an extensive program. We now have a culture of 1:1 across the school that begins with Preps using school iPads until the end of term 1 then bringing their own device beginning term 2.
Classroom practice is changing shape as these mobile devices are further understood and increasingly accommodated into regular classroom practice. We have identified developmentally appropriate apps for students in three ages groups: Foundation, Years 1 & 2, Years 3 & 4 and Years 5-6.
One way that we see the devices being used extensively in the future is through Google Apps for Education (GAFE) which is a cloud based platform for sharing and publishing work. All Google accounts are school-based and therefore all settings are defaulted to share only with CSPS staff and students. We have the ability to share content more broadly if the learning experience requires.
You will see increasing use of GAFE across the school. Students from F-6 will use the following apps to broaden their understanding of cloud computing during their years at CSPS. All students should have ALL the apps listed on their BYOD iPad - appropriate to their year level.
Prep App List (Updated for 2023)
Years 1 & 2 App List (Updated for 2023)
Years 3 & 4 App List (Updated for 2023)
Years 5 & 6 App List (Updated for 2023)
The benefits of creating a 1:1 device ratio are many and the accompanying document ‘Top Reasons For a 1:1 Program’ is a guide to these reasons. At CSPS we have conducted rigorous research into other school’s 1:1 programs. We have visited schools and attended conferences detailing the experiences of other schools in this endeavor. This experience has led us to choose a 1:1 program with a single device. We chose a single device not because of the brand but for several reasons:
● ability to manage the school’s 750 devices with 1 technician 10.5 hours a week
● simplifying the platform for both teachers and students so they can develop skills
● this device was the most common in homes therefore more potential for BYOD
● reliability of platform based on the school and other school’s experiences
We are looking forward to the benefits that the 1:1 program can bring to broadening student learning, digital competencies, teacher planning and classroom practice, globalizing student outlook, increased student choice and the personalisation of the learning for students.
Joel Aarons
STEM Teacher / ICT Coordinator