School Captains 2025
Camberwell South Primary School has four students elected as School Captains each year. These students act as the figurative student leadership representatives for the whole community.
They are key ambassadors for the school within and beyond the school environment, and an important link between all teams, students, staff and School Council.
This year our School Captains would like CSPS to work towards building stronger connections with the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities. This idea was formed after their participation in the Higgins’ Student Voice Forum. The students’ proposal to School Council to obtain funds to create a School Acknowledgement of Country display for the front office was successful. This display will be completed in 2024.
Further Student Leadership Opportunities
Year 5/6: House Captains, Vice House Captains, Student Management Captains, Literacy Captains, Numeracy Captains, French Captains, Art Captains, STEM Captains, Environment Captains, History Captains and Sport Captains. We also have a number of students trained to be Lunchtime Peer Mediators.
Prep to Year 6: Environment Action Group representatives, Library representatives and Junior School Council representatives.
All student captains as supported by a member of our teaching staff to bring their projects to life to further enhance our school community. Additionally within classrooms all students have leadership opportunities so that they can develop their leadership skills.