Camberwell South Primary School uses Compass as its primary channel of communication with parents. Compass is a web-based system, accessible on any modern web-browser or via an app.
We provide every enrolled family with a login to Compass, which can be accessed by clicking on the Compass link below. Parents receive a family username and password. On first login, the password must be changed and contact details details confirmed. These details may be used by the school for SMS, password recovery and email communication throughout the year.
Key uses of Compass at Camberwell South Primary School include:
- Sending alerts and news items relating to school activities.
- Monitoring attendance and entering parent approvals for absence or lateness.
- Booking Parent-Teacher interviews.
- Providing electronic consent and payment for events/activities.
- Accessing student reports.
- Accessing student learning tasks.
A guide to compass is available here
Compass guides are provided to parents/carers on how to use Compass across each area of functionality - these can be accessed by logging into Compass. On the Compass homepage there are five icons along the top of the page; click on the fifth icon 'Community' and you will see a drop-down, then select 'School Documentation'. From there, select 'Parent Handbooks' and 'Compass handbooks/Instructions'.
For further assistance, please contact the Administration Office (03) 9889 4295 in the first instance.